Learn to start bidding or enhance your tendering skills with tender training courses.

Just as every tender is unique, so is your tendering journey. We are here to help grow your business or advance your career with tender training courses and support services designed to meet your individual requirements. Gain the knowledge and tools to bid with confidence and success, based on proven and best-practice approaches to tendering.
We have been improving the bidding outcomes and experience for professionals across South East Asia since 2017. We train individuals and teams – from both small and large businesses – across a wide range of industries.

Explore our course offerings based on the skills you need and the delivery format that suits you best. Take a self-paced online course, or join a class or private coaching session. Group face-to-face and online training is also available for all programs. Obtain proven processes and templates you can readily apply to your next tender.

How to start tendering
I want to grow my business through winning tenders, but I'm not sure where to begin. COURSE OPTIONS:

Tender & bidding basics
I would like to understand tendering and the core elements to be successful. COURSE OPTIONS:

Bid coordination process
I want to run a smooth and efficient tender process and produce a quality submission. COURSE OPTIONS:

How to write a tender
I would like to improve my tender writing skills and write a top-scoring response. COURSE OPTIONS:

How to price a tender
I would like to understand how to price a competitive tender and be successful. COURSE OPTIONS:
Improve your win rate and tendering skills with an independent review of your current or past submission. Constructive feedback from tender specialists.
Undertake training in the format that suits you best – we offer self-paced online courses, virtual public workshops and private coaching sessions. We provide face-to-face and online group training.
Go to our tender library for the latest blogs to improve your bidding skills and knowledge. Choose which area of bid preparation you would like to learn more about.
Our tender training courses and bidding support services are designed and delivered by tender and education specialists. You will be tested on your knowledge with robust assessments.